Sunday, January 24, 2010

Nightlife: Its the only life

My first weekend in Tel Aviv has come and gone. It was a wonderful weekend all around. The weekends in Israel start on Thursday night as most people work a Sunday to Thursday week with a Friday and Saturday weekend. For the most part, I kept it simple this weekend. Just went to a few different bars on Thursday, went to one of my friends apartments on Friday and stayed in Saturday and relaxed. During the day on saturday the group headed down to the beach for some R&R in the sun. Although it was a tad cold (when I say a tad cold I mean 60s) the day was still very enjoyable.

Today I am pretty much just doing some work. Yes, I do still do work here. Its not all fun and games in Tel Aviv. Tonight, I will head to "Mikes Place" which is the American sports bar that I mentioned earlier to watch the J-E-T-S beat the Colts. Depending on my mood I may stay for the vikings-saints game. However, I do have class tomorrow and football games don't start till very late hours here.

Running is still going well. I am looking to get in to a more serious routine this week and try and find out if there are some road races here that I can run. I will continue to update everyone on my running observations as the week goes by.

All in all, everything in Tel Aviv is wonderful. I am having a great time and so far love every aspect of my term abroad.

This week I am hoping to develop a normal routine of life and start to explore Israeli culture more. I am hoping to find a synagogue to go for Shabbat services next weekend as well as begin to immerse myself fully in Israeli society. I will let everyone know how that goes.

Anyway, I would really like to hear from everyone who reads this! Let me know how things are going. You can email me at, facebook me, or even skype me (my skype name is schwartz.ian). Hope all is well!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great place to be. Have a wonderful experience. Some of us will be watching!
